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LGBTQIA+ Resources

Local and National Resources for LGBTQIA+ Students and Healthcare Providers Serving the Community

Search Filters/Hedges

Search filters (aka search hedges) are pre-drafted lists of terms to help create a focused search strategy. They’re here to help you save time and energy. Simply copy and paste these terms into your search strategy.

Below is an example of a search filter for LGBTQIA+ communities in different databases:

  • PubMed: (“bisexuality”[mesh] OR “health services for transgender persons”[mesh] OR “homosexuality”[mesh] OR “homosexuality, male”[mesh] OR “homosexuality, female”[mesh] OR “intersex persons”[mesh] OR “sexual and gender minorities”[mesh] OR “transgender persons”[mesh] OR “transsexualism”[mesh])
  • Keywords: (agender* OR allosexual* OR androgyn* OR androsexual* OR asexual* OR bigender* OR bisexual* OR cis OR cisgender* OR cismale OR cisfemale OR demisexual* OR f2m OR FTM OR f to m OR female to male OR gay OR gender minorit* OR gender nonconforming OR gender minority OR gynosexual* OR hermaphrod* OR homosexual* OR intergender* OR inter gender* OR intersex* OR LBG OR LBGT OR LBGTQ OR LBGTQIA OR LGB OR LGBT OR LBGTQ OR LBGTQIA OR lesbian* OR m2f OR MTF OR M to F OR male to female OR monoamorous OR monosexual* OR nonbinary OR non binary OR pangender* OR pansexual* OR polyamorous OR polysexual* OR queer* OR sexual minorit* OR trans OR transgender* OR transsexual* OR trans gender OR transmasculin* OR transfeminin* OR trans sexual* OR trans masculin* OR trans feminin*)

This LGBTQ Search Filter was created by Carrie Price, MLIS.

Alternatively, you can try any combination of the following in PubMed:

  • LGBTQ+: ("bisexuality"[Mesh] OR "homosexuality"[Mesh] OR gay*[tiab] OR lesbian*[tiab] OR bisexual*[tiab] OR homosexual*[tiab] OR same sex[tiab] OR same gender[tiab] OR sexual minorit*[tiab] OR transgender*[tiab] OR transsexual*[tiab] OR MSM[tiab] OR men who have sex with men[tiab] OR "transgender persons"[Mesh] OR "sex reassignment surgery"[Mesh] OR "sex reassignment procedures"[Mesh:noexp] OR "health services for transgender persons"[Mesh] OR "homosexuality, female"[Mesh] OR lesbian*[tiab])
  • Bisexual: (bisexual*[tiab] OR “bisexuality”[mesh])
  • Women who have sex with Women (WSW): “homosexuality, female"[Mesh] OR lesbian*[tiab]
  • Men who have sex with Men (MSM): MSM[tiab] OR gay[tiab] OR homosexual*[tiab] OR "homosexuality"[Mesh:noexp] OR "homosexuality, male"[Mesh] OR men who have sex with men[tiab]
  • Trans* : (transsexualism[Mesh] OR "gender identity"[Mesh:noexp] OR "transgender persons"[Mesh] OR "sex reassignment surgery"[Mesh] OR "sex reassignment procedures"[Mesh:noexp] OR "health services for transgender persons"[Mesh] OR transgender*[tiab] OR transsexual*[tiab] OR "gender identity"[tiab] OR "male-to-female"[tiab] OR "female-to-male"[tiab] OR "sex reassignment"[tiab] OR "gender dysphoria"[tiab] OR "trans men"[tiab] OR cross gender*[tiab] OR "gender reassignment"[tiab] OR "trans people"[tiab] OR "gender change"[tiab] OR "gender transition"[tiab] OR "trans female"[tiab] OR "trans women"[tiab])

This LGBTQ Search Filter was created by: Parker RMN, Wanner A, Foster M, Lackey M. Design and validation of a search filter for LGBTQ+ populations. Abstracts of the 25th Cochrane Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018;(9 Suppl 1). SEE ALSO

Please note, occasionally outdated and potentially offensive terminology may be used in search hedges. These terms are included to ensure that the widest array of research can be found; older research may use terms that we no longer use today.