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Aging and Older Adult Health

Data and Statistics

Cognitive Health + Aging 



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


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Nutrition for Older Adults


Online Resources

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Physical Activity for Older Adults




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Mental Health for Older Adults

Facts and Data


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Library Collection

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Online Resources

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Healthy Communities and Aging in Place

Communicating with Older Adults

Communicating with Older Adults


All of the principles on this page apply to older adults as well, but here are some additional tips for communicating with this population.

  • Beware of the tendencies to stereotype older adults or use patronizing speech.
  • Sit face-to-face and speak clearly 
  • Minimize background noise
  • Ask open ended questions and LISTEN
  • Address your older patient/client even if a companion is in the room
  • Engage in shared decision making
  • Ensure recommendations make sense to your patient/client's specific living situation
  • Verify comprehension - your own and theirs.

(adapted from The Gerontological Society of America's Communicating with Older Adults: An Evidence-Based Review of What Really Works)


Methods and Recommendations

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Search Filters/Hedges

Search filters (aka search hedges) are pre-drafted lists of terms to help create a focused search strategy. They’re here to help you save time and energy. Simply copy and paste these terms into your search strategy.

Below is an example of a search filter for aging populations in different databases:

  • PubMed: (“aged”[mesh] OR “aged, 80 and over”[mesh] OR “aging”[mesh:noexp] OR “frail elderly”[mesh] OR “centenaarians”[mesh] OR “nonagenarians”[mesh] OR “octogenarians”[mesh])
  • CINAHL: (MH “aged” OR MH “aged, 80 and over” OR MH “centenarians” OR MH “frail elderly”)
  • General Keywords: (aged OR aging OR ageing OR advanced age OR advanced ages OR centenarian OR centenarians OR elderly OR elder OR elders OR geriatric OR nonagenarian OR nonagenarians OR octogenarian OR octogenarians OR old OR oldest OR older OR senior citizen OR senior citizens OR septagenarian OR septagenarians OR sexagenarian OR sexagenarians)

This Aged Search Filter was created by Carrie Price, MLIS.

Alternatively, you could try:

  • CINAHL: (MH "Geriatrics") or (MH "Aged, Hospitalized") or (MH "Aged+") or (MH "Senior Centers") or (MH "Gerontologic Care") or (MH "Geriatricians") OR (MH "Gerontologic Nursing+") OR (MH "Health Services for the Aged") or ("aging in place" or elders or elderly or geriatric* or gerontolog* or gerodontic* or "old age*" or (seniors not "high school") or "senior citizen*" or (older N3 (patient* or adult* or person* or people or man or men or woman or women)) or centenarian* or nonagenarian* or octogenarian* or septuagenarian* or sexagenarian* or dottering or decrepit or tottering or overaged or "oldest old")

Campbell, SM. Filter to Retrieve Studies Related to Geriatrics from the EBSCO CINAHL Database. Geoffrey & Robyn Sperber Health Sciences Library, University of Alberta. Rev. April 26, 2021. .

Please note, occasionally outdated and potentially offensive terminology may be used in search hedges. These terms are included to ensure that the widest array of research can be found; older research may use terms that we no longer use today.