Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health. Comprehensive coverage of the nursing and allied health literature, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals.
Comprehensive coverage of the international biomedical journal literature. Provides access to full text electronic journals, biomedical, nursing, psychological, administrative, and evidence-based databases.
"Access to African Health Information" from the Regional Office for Africa (World Health Organization) and Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa.
Scroll to the bottom to find already-prepared lists of countries that can be copied and pasted into a variety of database searches. Be sure to check the lists closely in case you need to include the names (prior to 2016) by which countries were previously known.
Documents include expert guidelines, research reports, conference proceedings, training classes, fact sheets, websites, databases and other materials that are not commercially published, and complements disaster-related resources from PubMed and MedlinePlus.
Provides temporary free access to full text articles from major biomedicine titles to healthcare professionals, librarians, and the public affected by disasters. EAI is only available to those affected by the disaster and for those providing assistance to the affected population.
LILACS (Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean) is a comprehensive index of scientific and technical literature of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is produced by BIREME, the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information.
Collective name of 5 programs: Hinari, AGORA, OARE, ARDI and GOALI, providing developing countries with free or low-cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content online.