Citation Style Guides
APA Style Guide
APA's web site, containing tips for tricky citations and sample papers.
AMA Manual of Style
username: mghihp
password: Mghinstitute1!
You may also borrow copies of these manuals from the Course Reserves collection in the Library & Study Commons on the 4th floor of Building 38.
Enroll in Bellack Library's short, self-paced online course on Academic Integrity that uses videos and written materials to help you learn to avoid plagiarism.
Here are a few additional guides that can help you avoid plagiarizing.
Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing (Purdue OWL)
Incorporating References (University of Kanas)
Avoiding Plagiarism (Purdue OWL)
Avoiding Plagiarism - Paraphrasing (MIT)
You may also want to talk with the MGH Institute's Writing Consultant.
Zotero is a free citation management tool whose central feature is that it can easily and accurately import items directly from the web. It has a desktop application as well as a "Browser Connector" to make it work with most major browsers. Zotero also integrates into Microsoft Word and GoogleDocs for easy citation insertion and reference list creation.
New to Zotero? Take the D2L workshop!
Do you need to import your library from RefWorks? Take a look at our page about Transitioning from RefWorks to Zotero for step-by-step instructions.
More Help
Our Complete Guide to Zotero will take you step by step through all of its features.
For in-person assistance, please request an appointment with a librarian.