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Why should I get an ORCID iD?
- Serves as a unique identifier to eliminate problems with author name ambiguity, which ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you.
- Makes it easy for individuals, employers, and funders to recognize and discover publications authored by you.
- ORCID iDs are interoperable: they are recognized by many institutions, funders, and publishers. Additionally, increasing numbers of journal publishers require you to submit an ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript.
- Your ORCID iD is persistent. You can use it throughout your research career, no matter which organization you are affiliated with.
- ORCID iD numbers are searchable in PubMed. ORCID also integrates with SciENcv and eRA Commons.
- Registering and using an ORCID iD is free of cost and will always be free.