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Scholarly Communication

Creating, Sharing, Promoting and Evaluating Research and Scholarship

Why should I get an ORCID ID?

Examples of name ambiguityWhy should I get an ORCID iD? 

  • Serves as a unique identifier to eliminate problems with author name ambiguity, which ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you.
  • Makes it easy for individuals, employers, and funders to recognize and discover publications authored by you.
  • ORCID iDs are interoperable: they are recognized by many institutions, funders, and publishers. Additionally, increasing numbers of journal publishers require you to submit an ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript.
  • Your ORCID iD is persistent. You can use it throughout your research career, no matter which organization you are affiliated with.
  • ORCID iD numbers are searchable in PubMed. ORCID also integrates with SciENcv and eRA Commons.
  • Registering and using an ORCID iD is free of cost and will always be free.


IMPORTANT: NIH, AHRQ, and CDC have announced that individuals supported by research training, fellowship, research education, and career development awards will be required to have ORCID iDs (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifiers) beginning in FY 2020. The federal government's 2020 fiscal year begins on October 1, 2019