ATP represents providers of tests and assessment tools and/or services related to assessment, selection, screening, certification, licensing, educational or clinical uses. Includes links to test publishers.
Index to almost 8,000 tests and measures from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Clinician's Guide to Psychological Assessment and Testing by John M. SporesOverall, this is an excellent guide to the use and administration of psychological tests. It provides straightforward directions and instructions on how to utilize testing in such a way as to better inform clinical practice. I could see this book as a mainstay on any counselor's bookshelf, especially those who are seeking a way to utilize standardized testing in their practice."--The Professional Counselor Journal "Finally, a detailed and crystal clear guide to psychological assessment that effectively integrates 'best practices' with the realities of negotiating the mental health care system and insurance providers. I plan to draw on this practical guide in my private practice and to incorporate it as a required text in my advanced counseling assessment classes at both the master's and doctoral level. This book is a treasure for any mental health professional involved in psychological assessment." Joseph G. Ponterotto, PhD Professor of Counseling Psychology, Fordham University Standardized psychological testing is often essential for reliably determining the presence of a wide range of psychiatric and personality disorders, along with effectively addressing related issues that may require a psychological referral. This nuts-and-bolts guide to conducting efficient and accurate psychological testing in clinical settings provides mental health professionals with experienced guidance in the entire process, and includes a complete set of forms and templates for all aspects of assessment and testing, from the initial referral and diagnostic interview to the final report. Based on the author's experience with over two thousand psychological and neuropsychological testing cases, this highly practical book presents a standardized process of assessment, testing, interpretation, report-writing, and presenting feedback to patients, family members, and other professionals. Actual case examples of patients from a wide age range illustrate the assessment and testing process in action. The text provides printed and electronic versions of referral and related forms, initial psychological assessment report templates that include critical areas of coverage for obtaining insurance approval, and interpretation tables for an exceptional inventory of key standardized psychological tests. Integral to the book is a review of psychological tests in seven key categories that most effectively address differential diagnostic dilemmas and related referral questions that clinicians are likely to encounter in practice. It also provides effective strategies for selecting the appropriate tests based on the particular diagnostic questions, guidance for successfully obtaining insurance approval for a targeted yet feasible number of testing hours, and an efficient system for simultaneous test interpretation and report writing. Key Features: Includes an overview of the assessment process, from the initial referral to completion of the final report Features effective reviews of commonly used tests, including neuropsychological, intelligence, personality, and behavioral inventories Includes print and digital templates and forms for all phases of assessment and testing Aids clinicians in both private practice and other health care settings to work within managed care and be effectively reimbursed for services Includes information on conducting forensic competency to stand trial assessments, including the author's new measure of assessing a defendant's understanding of the legal system
ISBN: 9780826199867; 9780826199874
Publication Date: 2012
A Guide to Neuropsychological Testing for Health Care Professionals by Eric R. Arzubi; Elisa MambrinoNeuropsychological assessments are now widely used to identify learning disabilities and shape educational intervention. However, many special education teachers, speech therapists, lawyers, pediatricians, psychiatrists, rehabilitation counselors, and a host of other "helping" professions know very little about how to interpret and act on information contained in neuropsychological assessments. The neuropsychological evaluations discussed in this text help shed light on a wide variety of psychiatric and medical conditions, including learning disabilities, severe and persistent mental illness, traumatic brain injury, neuropsychiatric disorders with accompanying chronic cognitive deficits, and acquired or congenital neurological conditions. This book emphasizes the breadth and depth of neuropsychological assessments and the many practical uses they have, such as treatment planning, diagnosis, interventions, and many more. The authors offer practical guidance on neuropsychological testing and assessment across the lifespan, from pediatric through geriatric patients. The book is designed specifically for those professionals with little to no training in neuropsychology that need to apply knowledge gleaned from neuropsychological assessments. Key topics discussed: Neuropsychological testing and psychoanalysis Using neuropsychological instruments in school settings: possibilities and limitations Using neuropsychological information in vocational rehabilitation planning Neuropsychology and speech/language therapy
Measuring Health : A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires by Ian McDowellWorldwide economic constraints on health care systems have highlighted the importance of evidence-based medicine and evidence-based health policy. The resulting clinical trials and health services research studies require instruments to monitor the outcomes of care and the output of thehealth system. However, the over-abundance of competing measurement scales can make choosing a measure difficult at best. Measuring Health provides in-depth reviews of over 100 of the leading health measurement tools and serves as a guide for choosing among them.LNow in its third edition, thisbook provides a critical overview of the field of health measurement, with a technical introduction and discussion of the history and future directions for the field. This latest edition updates the information on each of the measures previously reviewed, and includes a complete new chapter onanxiety measurement to accompany the one on depression. It has also added new instruments to those previously reviewed in each of the chapters in the book.LChapters cover measurements of physical disability, social health, psychological well-being, anxiety, depression, mental status testing, pain,general health status and quality of life. Each chapter presents a tabular comparison of the quality of the instruments reviewed, followed by a detailed description of each method, covering its purpose and conceptual basis, its reliability and validity and, where possible, shows a copy of theactual scale. To ensure accuracy of the information, each review has been approved by the original author of each instrument or by an acknowledged expert.
ISBN: 9780195165678; 9780199725304
Publication Date: 2006
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale by T. Berry Brazelton; J. Kevin NugentClinics in Developmental Medicine No. 190 Fourth edition of the most comprehensive examination of newborn behavior available Well established and used globally as a research instrument and in clinical practice Case studies from a range of disciplines and settings enrich this edition New administration guidelines and refined scoring criteria for researchers and clinicians The Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) is the most comprehensive examination of newborn behaviour available today and has been used in clinical and research settings around the world for more than 35 years. The scale assesses the newborn's behavioral repertoire with 28 behavioral items and also includes an assessment of the infant's neurological status on 20 items. The NBAS items cover the following domains of neonatal functioning: autonomic regulation; motor organization; state organization and regulation and attention/social interaction. The first part of this new edition book describes in detail the procedures involved in administering and scoring the NBAS. This is followed by chapters setting the assessment in the context of psychological influences around birth, the relationship between the examiner, infant and parents, and what we know about newborn motor behaviour. After a chapter on the use of the NBAS in research settings, the final part comprises descriptions by professionals around the world of its use in clinical practice. Since the time it was first published, the NBAS has been used in hundreds of studies to examine the effects of a wide range of pre- and perinatal variables. This new edition therefore contains an updated review of research using the NBAS. Because the NBAS is being used increasingly as a way of promoting a positive relationship between parent and child, the new edition also includes new guidelines for clinicians. New guidelines and numerous refinements in the administration and scoring have now been added, and a section describing advances in our understanding of motor behaviour has been added. Finally, new chapters present the uses of the NBAS in a range of contexts around the world, highlighting the wide range of research and clinical applications of the NBAS. Readership: Paediatricians, neonatologists, all those involved in the examination of the newborn infant including, for example, nurses, psychologists, infancy specialists, lactation consultants, home visitors, occupational therapists, physical therapists, early intervention specialists, social workers and other allied health professionals (all of whom attend NBAS training courses)
ISBN: 9781907655036; 9781907655401
Publication Date: 2011
Rating Scales in Psychiatry by Peter J. Tyrer; Caroline MethuenSelection of the best outcome measures is a crucial step in psychiatric research. There are excellent instruments available for most areas of interest and researchers are often faced with a confusing choice. Getting it right will save you time and money, affect the validity and comparability of your results and, ultimately, improve the impact of your publications. This booklet, extracted from the third edition of Research Methods in Psychiatry and with a new foreword and introduction, will help guide you through the crucial process of selecting the rating scales to use in your research. Crucially, each scale is listed with its citation rate as a guide to its popularity among the research community and the potential comparability of results.