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Cultural Competence/Humility - Teaching Resources

IHP teaching resources for topics on cultural humility

Becoming a Culturally Competent Teacher/Institution

Toolkits and Strategies for College Classrooms

Borrow these books from the Teaching Resources Lending Library
(contact Victoria Wallace to request a title)

Whistling Vivaldi

Claude M. Steele, who has been called "one of the few great social psychologists," offers a vivid first-person account of the research that supports his groundbreaking conclusions on stereotypes and identity. He sheds new light on American social phenomena from racial and gender gaps in test scores to the belief in the superior athletic prowess of black men, and lays out a plan for mitigating these "stereotype threats" and reshaping American identities.


I know my own mind. I am able to assess others in a fair and accurate way. These self-perceptions are challenged by leading psychologists Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald as they explore the hidden biases we all carry from a lifetime of exposure to cultural attitudes about age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, social class, sexuality, disability status, and nationality. Banaji and Greenwald question the extent to which our perceptions of social groups--without our awareness or conscious control--shape our likes and dislikes and our judgments about people's character, abilities, and potential. In Blindspot, the authors reveal hidden biases based on their experience with the Implicit Association Test, a method that has revolutionized the way scientists learn about the human mind and that gives us a glimpse into what lies within the metaphoric blindspot.

Race, Equity and the Learning Environment

At a time of impending demographic shifts, faculty and administrators in higher education around the world are becoming aware of the need to address the systemic practices and barriers that contribute to inequitable educational outcomes of racially and ethnically diverse students. Focusing on the higher education learning environment, this volume illuminates the global relevance of critical and inclusive pedagogies (CIP), and demonstrates how their application can transform the teaching and learning process and promote more equitable educational outcomes among all students, but especially racially minoritized students.

Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence

Tragic events of the past year, including the shooting deaths of unarmed Black men and the unwarranted charges of espionage against Chinese Americans have made the need for engaging in honest racial dialogue all the more pressing.  Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence provides a concrete set of guidelines and solutions for engaging in honest racial dialogue to help us become agents of change.   Based on his extensive research on microaggressions, Dr. Sue exposes the explicit and hidden rules that govern race talk and uncover why conversations that touch on racial issues are so difficult. The individual and societal costs of our inability to converse honestly and openly about race are covered along with the benefits of holding successful conversations and discussions around race. Race Talk offers guidelines, techniques, and advice on how to navigate conversations and lead discussions on racial topics, resulting in improved communication, despelled stereotypes, decreased fear of differences, and increased compassion and empathy.

Building Cultural Competence

This book provides a cutting-edge framework and an innovative collection of ready-to-use tools and activities to help build cultural competence-from the basics of understanding core concepts of culture to the complex work of negotiating identity and resolving cultural differences. Building Cultural Competence presents the latest work in the intercultural field and provides step-by-step instructions for how to effectively work with the new models, frameworks, and exercises for building learners' cultural competence. Featuring fresh activities and tools from experienced coaches, trainers, and facilitators from around the globe, this collection of over 50 easy-to-use activities and models has been used successfully worldwide in settings that range from Fortune 500 corporations to the World Bank, non-profits, and universities.

What If?

When Steve Long-Nguyen Robbins was growing up, his mother routinely told him, "Long, you walk on a path cleared by others, so it is your responsibility to clear the path for others." Her insightful guidance and self-sacrificing example are the forces that drive Robbins's corporate work around diversity and inclusion today. His goal is unwavering: to clear the path for others and recruit more "path makers" --to honor his mother and to make a better world for everyone. In What If?, Robbins provides twenty-six inspiring, lively, and sometimes deeply personal stories illustrating diversity and inclusion concepts. He adds tips and suggestions for putting key learning into action in your organization, ending each chapter with questions, an activity, and an assignment to inspire you to be more open-minded and inclusive and to discover how the ideas presented in the book might apply to your daily life at work and at home.