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Physical Therapy

MGH OneSearch

Search for Journal Articles


If you don't find what you need in MGH OneSearch, try searching these databases individually.

  • OVID Medline 1996 to the Present
    The premier health literature database from the National Library of Medicine.
  • PubMed@MGH
    An alternative to Medline that largely contains the same content, but is a bit easier for beginners to search. Need help with searching?

    The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature is one of the most important resources for nursing and allied health literature.  It contains a combination of both scholarly research articles as well as articles from trade publications.

  • PEDro
    Australian Physiotherapy Evidence Database of citations. All trials in PEDro are rated by independent experts in the field. For full-text, you'll need to check journal titles against Treadwell's eJournals list.

  • PT Now Article Search
    APTA's article search engine. You'll need to be a member of the APTA for this one to work.

  • Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source
    Contains full-text for over 190 sports and rehabilitation journals, with full-text coverage dating back to 1963
There are many more (PsycInfo, ERIC, older Medline, etc.).  Go to Bellack and Treadwell's databases page for the complete list.

Systematic Reviews and Research Summaries

Physical Therapy Journals

Popular Physical Therapy Journals at Bellack Library