There are multiple options, but for larger numbers of results, we recommend sending results by email.
- Perform your search and add on any filters (like publication year, full text, etc).
- In the top right of the search section, you will select the "Share" drop down menu.
- Select the last option, "E-mail a link to download exported results (up to ___)"
- On the Export Manager page, enter your email address in the "Email to" space, and be sure to select the button for "RIS Format (e.g. CITAVI, EasyBib, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero)". Hit Send.
- Your email may take a bit to inbox, but you should receive an email from titled, "EBSCOhost Record Export" Click on the link to download the file. It will likely come in a ZIP compressed file. You want to extract the file using your file browser. You can rename this file to help keep your Zotero organized; but be sure to not accidentally change the file ending.
- From there, you can import the results to Zotero.
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