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Massachusetts General Hospital's Systematic Review Service

Resources for conducting systematic, scoping, rapid and other reviews at MGH

Can someone teach me how to systematically search?

We have a self-paced module on how to conduct common review methodologies designed by Melis Lydston. Any employee within the MGB system can utilize and access this course. Sign in using your MGB username and password to enroll.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Differentiate popular review methodologies
  • Build high-quality, exhaustive, and reproducible searches in the core databases required for a review
  • Safely use generative AI in the review process (and know where not to use it!)
  • Document your search in compliance with PRISMA and other standards
  • Find full-text PDFs for your results
  • Know where to go to learn how to extract data and perform risk of bias assessment

Access the course