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Occupational Therapy

A guide to finding library resources for students in the OTD program.

Tests + Measures in OT

There are a vast amount of instruments and assessments available for OT Practice. Use these resources and instructions to find the ones you need.

Full-text Instruments

Very few testing instruments are given away for free.  Treadwell Library's subscription to this database let's you have access to a collection of full-text instruments.


Contains a combination of downloadable instruments and summaries of instruments; summaries will include info about how to acquire the instrument.


Test + Measures Databases

The following databases mostly contain descriptions of tests available for purchase. 

Finding Tests in the Databases

If you are not able to find any relevant instruments in the tests and measures databases. Another option is to look for them in the general journal literature. 

Finding information about a specific test or instrument in any database (including Google Scholar):

  1. Type the name of the instrument into the search box.
  2. If appropriate, uncheck the box for subject mapping:
  3. Search the database.


Finding information about tests or instruments on a topic:


  1. Go to the Advanced Search screen. 
  2. Type the keywords about your topic into the first box.
  3. In the next box, type Research Instrument, and select Publication Type in the dropdown menu next to it. 
  4. Search.
  1. Perform a  search for your topic (if you do not want to be matched to subject headings, uncheck the box for Map Term to Subject Heading).
  2. Back at the search screen, click on the button for Additional Limits.
  3. Select the check box next to Tests & Measures.
  4. Click the Limit a Search button and take a look at your results.


All Databases

You can also search for instrument validation studies in any database by combining the keywords about your topic with a group of terms often used in validation studies. For example, here's what your search might look like if you wanted to find validation studies of instruments that measure quality of life. 

"quality of life" AND (validation OR validated OR psychometrics)

Feel free to copy and paste this search but replace "quality of life" with whatever topic you want to find.