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Occupational Therapy

A guide to finding library resources for students in the OTD program.

Please Visit our Guide dedicated to APA 7th Edition

Annotated Bibliographies in APA 7

Text-only Instructions
  1. In downloaded instance of Zotero library, go to Edit menu / Preferences.
  2. In the Cite menu / Style Manager / Add Additional Styles. 
  3. Search for Annotated Bibliography. Add APA 7 Annotated Bibliography style to your Zotero library.
  4. Select desired sources and right-click / Create Bibliography from Sources. Choose bibliography style.
  5. Alternate approach: In word processor, go to Zotero in ribbon. Add / Edit Bibliography. Choose bibliography style.

Citation Styles

Citation Styles

APA Style Guide Cover

While at the Institute, you will be using APA Style to cite and format your papers. The official APA manual is available on reserve in B36, the 4th floor IT area, and at Treadwell Library. You can also use:

APA Style Guide
APA's web site, containing tips for tricky citations and sample papers.

APA Formatting
(Purdue OWL)

Avoiding Plagiarism

Avoiding Plagiarism

 Plagiarism Image

Here are a few of guides that can help you avoid plagiarizing.

Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing (Purdue OWL)

Incorporating References (University of Kanas)

Avoiding Plagiarism (Purdue OWL)

You may also want to talk with the MGH Institute's Writing Consultant

Citation Guides

Citation Guides