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Learn to Use the Library

Learn about all that our library has to offer, and how to access all of the helpful resources

Bellack Library Online

8 Things to Know About the Bellack Library

Welcome to IHP! Get to know the Bellack Library and all it has to offer.

outline icon of a person looking at a computer screen with an open book on the screen

We Are Online!

Visit our homepage to be linked to thousands of e-books and e-journals, hundreds of databases, and other great multimedia resources. Plus, find more information about the other 7 things on this list!

outlined icon of two chat boxes

Ask Us Anything!

Need help finding information, using a database, or citing a source? Whatever your question may be, you can get help from us by e-mail or face-to-face on Zoom.

Icon of a heart with heartbeat lines through it

We Love Community Health!

Our Community Health Collection is jam packed with kits, visual aids, posters, curricula, games and health communication resources to help you make an impact on public health.

outline icon of a quote box with text in quotation marks

Citation Central

APA, AMA, Chicago, NLM... we'll help you decipher the many (and frequently ridiculous) rules of citation styles for your papers, discussion posts, and annotated bibs. We can also get you set-up with the life-changing application that is Zotero. (Spoiler alert: it writes your bibliographies for you.)

Outlined icon of a computer screen. On the screen, there is a person holding a book and a play and pause button, symbolizing an online workshop

Wicked Cool Workshops!

Build skills at your own pace with our asynchronous D2L workshops. Choose from APA 7th Edition, Zotero, Covidence and more.

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Socialize With Us In Person...

We host events throughout the year like Study Breaks so that you can have a little fun after working so hard.

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... Or On Social Media

Follow us on Instagram and/or Bluesky to keep up with library news and events. Just search @BellackLibrary on any of those platforms to find us.

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No Full Text? No Problem!

We work with Treadwell Library at the MGH to get you articles that we don't have through Interlibrary Loan at no extra cost to you. Just remember to use your IHP email address when filling out the form.

Search for eJournals and eBooks

Interested in a text tutorial? Click the PDF link below:

Library Workshops on D2L

Zotero Workshop

The Zotero workshop is an asynchronous self-paced workshop in D2L that teaches you the basics of Zotero. In less than 2 hours, you'll know everything necessary to begin using Zotero to organize and cite your sources.

Click here to enroll.

APA 7 Workshop

This workshop will help learn the basics of 7th edition APA format and style, and will prepare you to create parenthetical (in-text) citations and reference lists.

Click here to enroll.

Mastering Keyword Searching Workshop

Level up your database searching skills with this workshop, which will teach you how to methodically search for evidence to help you make a clinical decision or write your research paper.

Click here to enroll.

Covidence Workshop

Take this workshop if you will be working on a systematic or scoping review to learn how to use Covidence, the application that makes it easy to perform your review from screening through data extraction.

Click here to enroll.

Academic Integrity Workshop

This workshop will help you learn about academic integrity with a focus on plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Click here to enroll.

Health Literacy and Culturally Effective Care Workshop

Learn about the factors that impact health literacy, how low health literacy impacts health outcomes, and how you can learn to avoid exacerbating the problem by becoming a culturally effective health practitioner.

Click here to enroll.

Also, check this guide on how to re-enroll in the library workshops: Library Workshop Re-enrollment Instructions