Library Location
Building 38, 4th Floor
campus map
Library Hours
Monday-Thursday 7 am to 10 pm
Friday 7 am to 7 pm
Saturday 8 am to 6 pm
Sunday 10 am to 10 pm
Study Breaks are an opportunity for students to engage in healthy stress-busting activities around the IHP campus. Typically occurring before and during finals week of every fall & spring semester. This semester, we'll have activities and snacks in the Library (B38), along with goodie bags (supplies are limited).
Come to the Bellack Library to take a break from studying because breaks are productive too! From November 18- December 10, we will have arts and crafts, mindfulness activities, snacks, and more. Bring a friend-- or two.
Come join the Bellack Library Staff as we celebrate the study break kick off on November 21 at 1 pm. We will have snacks, activities, and time to chat with the team.
Then, come back on December 4 at 12 pm (noon) for some more relaxation while we work on some crafts and sip cocoa. We'll supply the materials, you just worry about bringing yourself and a friend!