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Study Breaks

Check out this awesome guide to help you figure out what's what during Study Breaks! Study Breaks are put together by the Bellack Library, OSAS, and Campus Services at the end of each semester.

Mindfulness is simply being present in the moment, while being aware of your self and your surroundings. Through meditation, we are more able to carry out aspects of mindfulness into our everyday lives. 

Meditation is the act of being mindful by engaging with your senses and analyzing/letting go of your undesirable or irrelevant thoughts. 

Mindfulness for Healthcare Providers

The following mindfulness mini-course is provided by Associate Professor Bonnie Halvoron-Bourgeois, MS, CCC-SLP, and Adjunct Assistant Professor Christina M. Luberto, PhD. These materials are from their course NH-705 Mindfulness for Healthcare Providers and are meant to work like a progressive training. Start with the explanatory documents and then begin your mindfulness practice with the video/audio meditations and body scans.

Background Information

Meditations and Body Scans

Mindfulness practice has many benefits for not only your mental well-being but your physical health as well! Studies show that meditation can help relieve chronic pain, calm the mind, reduce stress/anxiety, and integrate one's emotions to improve quality of life. Give it a try!